Cheddar Cheese Market

Global Cheddar Cheese Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2023-2030- (By Form Coverage, By Source Coverage, By End User Coverage, By Sales Channel Coverage, By Geographic Coverage and By Company)

Published Date: May 2024 | Format: | No. of Pages: 160

Industry: Food & Beverage

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Global Cheddar Cheese Market Forecast

  • Global cheddar cheese market size to jump from US$84 Mn (2023) to US$133.1 Mn (2030)
  • Cheddar cheese market revenue to expand at a CAGR of 6.8% between 2023 and 2030

Cheddar Cheese Market Snapshot, 2018-2030

Quick Report Digest

  1. Rising favour innovation is the key trend anticipated to fuel the cheddar cheese market growth. Furthermore, fresh and unique favours beyond conventional selections are being introduced into the cheddar cheese industry, representing a trend toward favour innovation. Cheeses with added spices, smoke, and other favours are becoming increasingly popular among consumers.
  2. Another major market trend expected to fuel the cheddar cheese market growth is the rapidly growing cheese pairing experiences. Moreover, cheese pairing events, which combine cheddar cheese with matched wines, appetizers, and craft breweries, are becoming increasingly popular. Specialty cheese markets and culinary tourism are growing due to this trend.
  3. In 2023, the cubes category dominated the industry. Cheddar cheese cubes are a high-protein snack that fits well with the growing trend of health-conscious consumers looking for wholesome options. The cubes offer a filling, portion-controlled snack that fits into a balanced diet.
  4. Regarding market share for cheddar cheese globally, the cattle milk segment is anticipated to dominate. The increased butterfat content of cattle milk, especially cows' milk, is well-known. This richness enhances cheddar cheese's overall favour profile by adding to its creamy texture and mouthfeel.
  5. In 2023, the food processing industry category controlled the market. The production of processed meats and sausages with cheese fillings uses cheddar cheese. This treatment enhances the meat products' favour and texture.
  6. The B2B segment has the largest market share. Hotels, banquet halls, and event catering services receive cheddar cheese through business-to-business channels. In addition to cheese platters, appetizers, and catering services, these companies also use cheddar cheese in other culinary applications.
  7. The North American region is anticipated to account for the largest global cheddar cheese market share. North American urbanisation has resulted in people leading healthier lifestyles and seeking nutrient-dense, well-balanced foods. When cheddar cheese is offered in healthier versions, it corresponds with these tastes.
  8. The market for cheddar cheese is expanding in Asia Pacific because cheddar cheese has been included in many Asian cuisines due to the growth of culinary tourism and a growing interest in culinary experiences. Gourmets are always looking for unusual and foreign favours, and cheddar cheese is one of them.

A Look Back and a Look Forward - Comparative Analysis

Quality and freshness are what customers value most in cheddar cheese. Emphasizing premium components, production techniques, and preserving optimal freshness helps producers win over customers. Natural and artisanal cheddar cheese variants produced using time-honored techniques and premium ingredients are becoming increasingly popular.

Customers value production authenticity. Products containing cheddar cheese that have eye-catching, eco-friendly packaging appeal to consumers. Producers investing in attractive designs and environmentally responsible packaging increase consumer attractiveness.

The market witnessed staggered growth during the historical period 2018 – 2023. Cheddar cheese sales are significantly influenced by advertising, promotions, and brand positioning, among other effective marketing techniques.

Engaging marketing strategies can draw in new customers and increase company visibility. Producers of cheddar cheese must adhere to all applicable laws, certifications, and quality requirements. Two important elements driving market growth are maintaining product quality and adhering to food safety laws.

Automating and smart manufacturing technologies make cheese production more efficient and consistent. Lower operating costs and increased production yields are the outcomes of these advancements in the coming years. Additionally, processes for manufacturing cheese can be more precisely controlled and productive when precision fermentation technologies are used.

This invention may result in shorter production runs and more consistent products. Furthermore, incorporating technology such as QR codes or RFID tags into smart packaging enhances the consumer experience by giving them further information on the origin and production process and serving suggestions on the cheddar cheese during the next five years.

Cheddar Cheese Market US$ Mn, 2018-2030

Key Growth Determinants

  • Growing Demand for Convenience Foods

The need for quick and simple food options has arisen from busy lifestyles and time constraints. Cheddar cheese becomes a practical option when consumers search for hassle-free meal options due to its variety and simplicity of incorporation into numerous recipes. Cheddar cheese is a great fit for this growing trend of ready-to-eat and portable snacks.

Customers seeking quick, portable, and filling snack options are catered to with prepackaged cheese nibbles, sticks, and cubes. Products made with cheddar cheese are a great fit for the snacking markets of gas stations and convenience stores. Cheddar cheese is a convenient choice for consumers who are always on the go because of its single-serve amounts and packaging.

  • Increasing Influences of Western Cuisines

Cheddar cheese consumption has increased due to the widespread appeal of burgers and sandwiches, which frequently include cheddar cheese as a main element. Fast food franchises with a Western aesthetic have spread worldwide, affecting regional culinary tastes. The market for cheddar cheese has grown due to the widespread usage of cheddar cheese as a pizza topping in Western cuisine.

Due largely to the influence of Italian cuisine, where cheese is a staple, more types of pizza use cheddar cheese. Grilled cheese sandwiches, a traditional Western comfort meal, best show cheddar cheese's flexibility and attractiveness. Such comfort food favourites have become popular outside the West, increasing demand for cheddar cheese in conventional and creative applications worldwide.

  • Rising Disposable Income

Consumers are more willing to spend money on upscale and superior food goods when they have greater discretionary income. Cheddar cheese meets the need for more sophisticated dining experiences, particularly the premium and aged types. Rising income levels are frequently associated with a preference for branded and specialist products.

Brands of cheddar cheese that emphasize particular favours, textures, and production techniques might draw in customers searching for premium and standout products. Consumers can try a greater selection of cheese types as income levels rise. With its wide range of uses and favour qualities, cheddar cheese is a desirable option for customers looking for pleasure and diversity.

Major Growth Barriers

  • Health Concerns, and Dietary Trends

Cheddar cheese is well-known for having a high percentage of saturated fat. Customers may restrict their consumption of high-fat foods, such as classic Cheddar Cheese, due to the increased emphasis on leading healthier lifestyles.

Because cheddar cheese is high in calories, people trying to watch their weight or cut back on their intake of calories may choose to substitute lower-calorie cheeses, which will affect how much traditional cheddar is consumed.

  • Price Fluctuations in Dairy Industry

The price fluctuations of feed, including grains and forage, directly impact the cost of keeping dairy cattle. Increased expenses for dairy producers due to higher feed costs may impact the price of milk used to make cheddar cheese.

A key factor in determining farmers' profitability is dairy farm economics, including milk prices and operating expenses. Changes in the price of dairy products can affect dairy farmers' capacity to make ends meet, which could impact the availability of milk needed to make cheddar cheese.

Key Trends and Opportunities to Look at

  1. Rise of Local and Artisanal Products

Unique and distinctive favour profiles are frequently found in artisanal cheddar cheese. Customers enjoy the subtleties that result from using traditional manufacturing techniques and local terroir, and they are drawn to the genuineness and quality of these items.

The production techniques of artisan cheese manufacturers place a strong emphasis on quality and artistry. Customers looking for fine dining experiences that have been meticulously chosen will appreciate this dedication to artisanal processes, which include small-batch production and handcrafted procedures.

  1. Increasing Demand for Plant-Based Dairy Alternatives

Plant-based cheddar cheese substitutes are seeing significant growth in demand because of the growing popularity of plant-based diets fueled by ethical, environmental, and health concerns. Consumers are making more health-conscious decisions and are looking for options with reduced cholesterol and saturated fat content.

Many plant-based solutions for Cheddar Cheese satisfy these health-conscious tastes. Plant-based cheddar cheese offers a flexible substitute for those with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance and satisfies various dietary requirements.

  1. Growing Preference for Direct-to-Consumer Sales, and E-commerce Expandion

Customers looking for quick access to a large selection of cheddar cheese items are drawn to the ease of online buying. E-commerce platforms offer consumers a handy means of investigating various brands, favours, and packaging options from the comfort of their own homes.

Specialty and artisanal cheddar cheese products are among the many options available through e-commerce platforms. Customers have more access to options that might not be easily found in nearby brick-and-mortar establishments.

Cheddar Cheese Market DROs

How Does the Regulatory Scenario Shape this Industry?

Over the last three years, the FDA has been the principal regulatory body in charge of guaranteeing the quality and safety of food items in the US, including cheddar cheese. Food safety, nutritional composition, and labeling are all governed by regulations issued by the FDA. The USDA is a key player when it comes to regulating dairy products, especially cheddar cheese.

The USDA's Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) oversees cheese grading and quality requirements. The European Commission, the European Parliament, and EU Member States get scientific advice on food safety from the EFSA. It is essential to risk assessment and the formulation of laws about food safety.

The European Commission is responsible for creating and carrying out EU legislation about food safety. It impacts the manufacturing and promotion of cheddar cheese by establishing product composition, labeling, and hygiene guidelines. Cheddar cheese quality standards are established and upheld by regulatory authorities. Respecting these guidelines guarantees that customers get safe, high-quality products, which enhances the reputation and confidence of the industry.

Fairfield’s Ranking Board

Top Segments

  1. Cheese Cubes Bestseller Category

The cubes segment dominated the market in 2023. Cubes of cheddar cheese are a common option for packed lunches, particularly for kids and adults working in offices or schools. Lunchboxes might include the pre-portioned cubes as a convenient and mess-free option.

Cheddar at social gatherings, parties, and events, cheese cubes are frequently used in cheese platters and appetizer spreads. The bite-sized form makes it simple to eat and combine with other sides, adding to the enjoyable experience.

Furthermore, the slice category is projected to experience the fastest market growth. Cheddar in sandwich culture, cheese slices are a mainstay, providing a quick and easy lunch alternative or dinner on the run. The pre-sliced format is a time-saving option because it saves customers from having to slice the cheese themselves.

In the fast-food industry, slices of cheddar cheese are frequently used to make burgers and sandwiches. The continuous need for cheddar cheese slices, especially for cheeseburgers, is fueled by the popularity of fast-food restaurants.

  1. Cattle Milk Most Preferred over Other Sources

In 2023, the cattle milk category dominated the industry. Cheddar cheese is mostly made from the milk of cattle, especially cows. For manufacturing cheese, the milk supplies vital nutrients and lipids. During coagulation, enzymes or bacteria that produce acid are added to cow's milk. As a result, the milk curdles and forms curds, the constituents of cheddar cheese.

The goat milk category is anticipated to grow substantially throughout the projected period. Several vitamins and minerals are present in higher concentrations in goat milk, making it a unique nutritional option.

Calf milk if cheddar is not created from cow's milk, it could have a different nutritional makeup. Goat milk's distinct composition affects the ripening process and culture during the making of cheddar cheese. Goat milk cheddar's unique favours and qualities have developed over time.

  1. Food Processing Industry Records Maximum Cheddar Cheese Consumption

The food processing industry segment dominated the market in 2023. Cheddar cheese is used to make bread, pastries, and snacks loaded with cheese. It improves the favour and texture of baked items with its savory favour and melting qualities.

Cheese spreads, dips, processed cheeses, and other dairy products can be made with cheddar cheese, a flexible ingredient frequently used in cheese blends and mixes.

The household retail category is expected to experience the fastest growth within the forecast time frame. Cheddar cheese's environmentally sustainable and health-aware choices can be found in organic food stores. Organic and natural varieties cater to customers looking for particular dietary options.

  1. B2B Sales Dominant

The B2B category dominated the market in 2022. B2B sales channels are collaborations with food service distributors that provide cheddar cheese to eateries, coffee shops, caterers, and other hospitality-related enterprises.

Cheddar cheese producers enter into business-to-business (B2B) partnerships with supermarkets and retail chains to supply their goods in bulk. Through these collaborations, cheddar cheese can be widely distributed to customer-facing establishments.

The fastest growth is anticipated in the B2C (specialty stores) category. Cheddar cheese in a range of favours, aging characteristics, and textures can be found in specialty cheese shops. They frequently provide premium and artisanal cheddar variants that are only sometimes easily found in stores.

Specialty market deli counters frequently have a separate cheese section with various alternatives for cheddar cheese. Staff members might give samples and advice on pairing selections.

Regional Frontrunners

North America Houses the Largest Consumer Base

North America is expected to dominate the market. Cheddar cheese is a home mainstay and a favourite option in many dishes because of its long history in North American cooking. Consumer familiarity and preference play a role in the cheese's ongoing demand. In North America, cheddar cheese is frequently used in various dishes, such as burgers, sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and appetizers.

Because of its adaptability, it may be used as a main component in classic and creative recipes, keeping demand high across various cuisine categories. Cheddar cheese consumption is mostly influenced by North America's fast-food and casual dining culture, which includes nachos, grilled cheese sandwiches, and cheeseburgers. The prominence of these items in well-known chains fuels demand in the industry.

Cheddar Cheese Market Regional Outlook, 2018-2030

Asia Pacific Grows Stronger as Consumers Favour the Western-Styled Meal Trend

Asia Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region. Growing interest has been shown in introducing Western-style meals into Asian Pacific cuisine as eating patterns change in the region. Cheddar cheese is becoming a staple in many dishes and culinary styles because of its versatility.

The demand for cheddar cheese is partly driven by the rapidly expanding food service sector in Asia Pacific, which includes cafes, restaurants, and quick-service establishments. It is utilised in many different recipes, such as pizzas and burgers, to accommodate a variety of consumer tastes.

Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market, by, End Users 2018 - 2030, US$ Mn

Fairfield’s Competitive Landscape Analysis

A few global companies control most of the cheddar cheese market. The leading businesses are creating new products and enhancing their distribution systems to expand their worldwide footprint. Moreover, Fairfield Market Research expects more consolidation over the coming years.

Who are the Leaders in the Global Cheddar Cheese Space?

Significant Company Developments

New Product Launch

  • July 2022: Katharos, a company based in Mumbai, introduced a unique line of vegan cheeses, such as mozzarella and cheddar, manufactured from watermelon seeds. The company claims they are the first cheese blocks made from watermelon seeds. Melt and grated soft and creamy cheeses are great for top burgers, fondue, pizza, and sandwiches. They're made using coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, nutritional yeast, carrageenan (a seaweed extract), and starches from potatoes and maize.
  • November 2021: Arla Foods launched its new five-year plan. To reach its goal of more than 4 billion EUR in investment opportunities over the next five years, Arla intends to boost its focus on sustainability, digitisation, new production technologies, and product development. To support its farmer owners in their pursuit of sustainability, it will also raise its rate of return to 1+ billion EUR.
  • November 2020: Arla Food Ingredients introduced an organic method for making stable cheese.

Distribution Agreement

  • August 2020: Glanbia's acquisition of Foodarom (Germany) was finalised. The acquisition enhanced Glanbia's capabilities in favours and nutritional solutions.

An Expert’s Eye

Demand and Future Growth

Creating cheddar cheese products that suit the interests of health-conscious consumers presents opportunities. Variations with less fat, less sodium, and more nutritional value can be made to reach a wider range of consumers.

Furthermore, opportunities for cross-promotion and expanded market reach can arise from partnerships with other food producers, eateries, or merchants. Collaborations that provide special products or unusual cheese combinations have the potential to draw in new clients. However, the cheddar cheese market is expected to face considerable challenges because of price fluctuations in the dairy industry.

Supply Side of the Market

According to our analysis, the US is the top producer, producing more than 3.2 million tonnes of cheddar cheese annually. Large-scale farms, sophisticated processing methods, and strong domestic demand are the main drivers of this supremacy.

Canada, known for its superior white cheddar variants, is in second place with 0.8 million tonnes. The two main production hubs are Ontario, and Quebec. The UK is the traditional cheddar production place, with 0.9 million tonnes produced annually. Renowned for its wide range of regional variants and styles, including Red Leicester.

Germany is a significant European producer with 0.7 million tonnes, renowned for its industrial-scale manufacturing and creamy cheddars in the Gouda style. With an annual consumption of almost 3.5 million tonnes, the US holds the top spot. This is driven by a deep cultural connection to cheddar, trends in convenience food that use it, and easily accessible options. Canada Eats over 700,000 tonnes, preferring milder cheddar variants for snacking and varied recipes.

Global Cheddar Cheese Market is Segmented as Below:

By Form:

  • Blocks
  • Cubes
  • Slice
  • Spread
  • Spray
  • Powder

By Source:

  • Cattle Milk
  • Sheep Milk
  • Goat Milk

By End Users:

  • Food Processing Industry
  • Household Retail

By Sales Channel:

  • B2B
  • B2C
    • Modern Trade
    • Specialty Stores
    • Convenience Stores
    • Departmental Stores
    • Online Retail
    • Others

By Geographic Coverage:

  • North America 
    • U.S. 
    • Canada 
  • Europe 
    • Germany
    • U.K.
    • France
    • Italy
    • Turkey
    • Russia
    • Rest of Europe 
  • Asia Pacific 
    • China
    • Japan
    • South Korea
    • India
    • Southeast Asia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific 
  • Latin America 
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Argentina
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middle East & Africa  
    • GCC 
    • South Africa
    • Egypt
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

1. Executive Summary
    1.1. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Snapshot
    1.2. Future Projections
    1.3. Key Market Trends
    1.4. Regional Snapshot, by Value, 2023
    1.5. Analyst Recommendations

2. Market Overview
    2.1. Market Definitions and Segmentations
    2.2. Market Dynamics
        2.2.1. Drivers
        2.2.2. Restraints
        2.2.3. Market Opportunities
    2.3. Value Chain Analysis
    2.4. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    2.5. Covid-19 Impact Analysis
        2.5.1. Supply
        2.5.2. Demand
    2.6. Impact of Ukraine-Russia Conflict
    2.7. Economic Overview
        2.7.1. World Economic Projections
    2.8. PESTLE Analysis

3. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    3.1. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        3.1.1. Key Highlights
    3.2. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        3.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    3.3. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        3.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    3.4. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        3.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
    3.5. Global Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Region, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        3.5.1. Key Highlights
   North America
   Asia Pacific
   Latin America
   Middle East & Africa

4. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    4.1. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.1.1. Key Highlights
    4.2. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    4.3. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    4.4. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
        4.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    4.5. North America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.5.1. Key Highlights
   U.S. Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.S. Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.S. Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.S. Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Canada Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Canada Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Canada Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Canada Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        4.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

5. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    5.1. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.1.1. Key Highlights
    5.2. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    5.3. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    5.4. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
        5.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    5.5. Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.5.1. Key Highlights
   Germany Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Germany Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Germany Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Germany Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.K. Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.K. Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.K. Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   U.K. Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   France Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   France Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   France Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   France Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Italy Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Italy Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Italy Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Italy Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Turkey Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Turkey Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Turkey Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Turkey Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Russia Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Russia Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Russia Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Russia Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Europe Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Europe Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Europe Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        5.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

6. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    6.1. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.1.1. Key Highlights
    6.2. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    6.3. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    6.4. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
        6.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    6.5. Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.5.1. Key Highlights
   China Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   China Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   China Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   China Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Japan Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Japan Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Japan Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Japan Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Korea Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Korea Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Korea Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Korea Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   India Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   India Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   India Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   India Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Southeast Asia Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Southeast Asia Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Southeast Asia Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Southeast Asia Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Asia Pacific Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        6.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

7. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    7.1. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        7.1.1. Key Highlights
    7.2. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        7.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    7.3. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        7.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    7.4. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        7.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
        7.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
7.5. Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
    7.5.1. Key Highlights Brazil Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Brazil Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Brazil Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Brazil Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Mexico Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Mexico Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Mexico Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Mexico Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Argentina Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Argentina Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Argentina Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Argentina Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Rest of Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Rest of Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Rest of Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030 Rest of Latin America Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
    7.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis


8. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    8.1. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.1.1. Key Highlights
    8.2. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.2.1. Key Highlights
   Cattle Milk
   Sheep Milk
   Goat Milk
    8.3. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.3.1. Key Highlights
   Food Processing Industry
   Household Retail
    8.4. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.4.1. Key Highlights
       Modern Trade
       Specialty Stores
       Convenience Stores
       Departmental Stores
       Online Retail
        8.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    8.5. Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.5.1. Key Highlights
   GCC Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   GCC Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   GCC Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   GCC Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Africa Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Africa Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   South Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Egypt Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Egypt Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Egypt Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Egypt Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Nigeria Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Nigeria Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Nigeria Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Nigeria Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market by Form, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Source, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market End Users, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
   Rest of Middle East & Africa Cheddar Cheese Market Sales Channel, Value (US$ Mn), 2018 - 2030
        8.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis


9. Competitive Landscape
    9.1. End Users vs Source Heatmap
    9.2. Manufacturer vs Source Heatmap
    9.3. Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
    9.4. Competitive Dashboard
    9.5. Company Profiles
        9.5.1. Kraft Heinz Company
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.2. Arla Foods
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.3. Fonterra Co-operative Group
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.4. Saputo Inc.
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.5. Lactalis Group
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.6. Tatura Milk Industries
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.7. Groupe Bel
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.8. Leprino Foods
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.9. Sargento Foods
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.10. Wyke Farms
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.11. Savencia SA
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development
        9.5.12. Rumiano Cheese Company.
   Company Overview
   Product Portfolio
   Financial Overview
   Business Strategies and Development


10. Appendix
    10.1. Research Methodology
    10.2. Report Assumptions
    10.3. Acronyms and Abbreviations







2018 - 2022

2023 - 2030

Value: US$ Million




Form Coverage

  • Blocks
  • Cubes
  • Slice
  • Spread
  • Spray
  • Powder

Source Coverage

  • Cattle Milk
  • Sheep Milk
  • Goat Milk

End User Coverage

  • Food Processing Industry
  • Household Retail

Sales Channel Coverage

  • B2B
  • B2C
    • Modern Trade
    • Specialty Stores
    • Convenience Stores
    • Departmental Stores
    • Online Retail
    • Others

Geographical Coverage

  • North America
    • U.S.
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of EU
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Rest of APAC
  • Latin America
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middles East & Africa
    • GCC Countries 
    • South Africa 
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

Leading Companies

  • Kraft Heinz Company
  • Arla Foods
  • Fonterra Co-operative Group
  • Saputo Inc.
  • Lactalis Group
  • Tatura Milk Industries
  • Groupe Bel
  • Leprino Foods
  • Sargento Foods
  • Wyke Farms
  • Savencia SA
  • Rumiano Cheese Company 

Report Highlights

Key Market Indicators, Macro-micro economic impact analysis, Technological Roadmap, Key Trends, Driver, Restraints, and Future Opportunities & Revenue Pockets, Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis, Historical Trend (2019-2021), Market Estimates and Forecast, Market Dynamics, Industry Trends, Competition Landscape, Category, Region, Country-wise Trends & Analysis, COVID-19 Impact Analysis (Demand and Supply Chain)

FAQs : Cheddar Cheese Market

The global cheddar cheese market size was nearly US$84 Mn in 2023.

North America holds the largest share of the global cheddar cheese market.

The primary factor projected to drive the cheddar cheese market expansion is the growing demand for convenience food, increasing Western cuisine, and rising disposable income.

In 2023, the cubes category held a significant share in the global market.

The cattle milk segment constitutes a major share of the global cheddar cheese market.

Our Research Methodology

Considering the volatility of business today, traditional approaches to strategizing a game plan can be unfruitful if not detrimental. True ambiguity is no way to determine a forecast. A myriad of predetermined factors must be accounted for such as the degree of risk involved, the magnitude of circumstances, as well as conditions or consequences that are not known or unpredictable. To circumvent binary views that cast uncertainty, the application of market research intelligence to strategically posture, move, and enable actionable outcomes is necessary.

View Methodology
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