Network Monitoring Market

Global Network Monitoring Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast 2023-2030 - (By Type Coverage, By Bandwidth Coverage, By Technology Coverage, By End Use Coverage, By Geographic Coverage and By Company)

Published Date: Mar 2024 | Format: | No. of Pages: 196

Industry: Information & Communications Technology

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Global Network Monitoring Market Forecast

  • Global network monitoring market size poised to reach US$4.3 Bn in 2030, up from US$2.1 Bn attained in 2022
  • Network monitoring market revenue projected to see a robust rise at a CAGR of 10.8% between 2023 and 2030

Network Monitoring Market Snapshot, 2018 - 2030

Quick Report Digest

  1. The key trend anticipated to fuel the network monitoring market growth is the rising cyber-attacks and data breaches, which are driving the demand for robust network monitoring solutions to safeguard sensitive information.
  2. Another major market trend expected to fuel the proliferation of IoT devices and cloud-based services is that businesses require advanced monitoring to manage complex network infrastructures effectively.
  3. In 2022, solutions will offer end-to-end visibility and management of network infrastructure, including real-time monitoring, security analysis, and troubleshooting capabilities. This comprehensive approach appeals to businesses seeking a centralised platform for all their network monitoring needs.
  4. In networks operating within the 1-10 GBPS bandwidth range are the most common in various industries, including small to medium-sized enterprises and some large-scale enterprises. This widespread adoption ensures a larger customer base for solutions catering to this bandwidth category.
  5. In 2022, ethernet technology has been widely adopted across various industries and network environments. It is the default networking technology for most local area networks (LANs), and data centres. The ubiquity of Ethernet in networking infrastructure makes it a natural choice for businesses and organisations.
  6. The enterprise segment is the dominant category. Enterprises require robust network monitoring solutions to ensure seamless operations, data security, and customer satisfaction. The need for uninterrupted connectivity and efficient data management drives the demand.
  7. The Asia Pacific region dominates the network monitoring market due to rapid technological advancements, increasing internet penetration, and the extensive adoption of digital technologies in countries like China, Japan, and India. Growing investments in I.T. infrastructure and cybersecurity measures by enterprises and government bodies further fuel market dominance.
  8. North America is the fastest-growing region in the network monitoring market. The region's growth is attributed to the presence of major technology players, high cybersecurity awareness, and significant investments in research and development.

A Look Back and a Look Forward - Comparative Analysis

The demand for real-time monitoring, analysis, and reporting tools has surged due to the growing complexity of networks, the rise of cloud-based services, and the need to safeguard against cyber threats. Network monitoring technologies, such as Ethernet-based solutions, are dominating the landscape due to their widespread adoption, cost-effectiveness, and scalability.

With an emphasis on detecting anomalies, ensuring seamless connectivity, and mitigating potential security breaches, businesses are investing in comprehensive network monitoring systems to enhance their operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

The market witnessed staggered growth during the historical period 2018 – 2022. There was a noticeable shift towards cloud-based monitoring solutions. As businesses migrated their operations to the cloud, the demand for monitoring tools compatible with virtualised environments grew substantially.

Ethernet technology remained pivotal, offering stable and high-speed connections even in virtual setups. Additionally, there was a notable increase in the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for predictive analysis, enabling proactive issue resolution and enhancing overall network reliability.

It is anticipated that the network monitoring landscape will continue to evolve rapidly. With the advent of 5G technology, IoT (Internet of Things) proliferation, and the expansion of edge computing, network complexities will further increase.

As a response, network monitoring solutions will become more intelligent, integrating AI-driven predictive analytics to identify potential issues before they impact operations. The focus will also shift towards ensuring the security of connected devices and data, driving the development of advanced intrusion detection and threat prevention features.

Network Monitoring Market, US$ Bn, 2018 - 2030

Key Growth Determinants

  • Growing Network Complexity amid Rapid Technological Advancements

Continuous technological advancements drive the network monitoring market. With the advent of technologies such as 5G, IoT, cloud computing, and virtualisation, networks are becoming increasingly complex. Businesses are adopting these technologies to improve their operational efficiency and enhance customer experiences.

However, these advancements also bring challenges like network congestion, security threats, and downtime risks. Network monitoring solutions equipped with real-time analytics, and predictive capabilities are in high demand. They enable businesses to adapt to new technologies seamlessly, ensuring optimal performance, identifying vulnerabilities, and proactively addressing issues.

  • Growing Investments by Organisations in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity concerns are a significant driver in the network monitoring market. Organisations are actively investing in strong network security measures as cyberattacks become more complex and frequent. Tools for network monitoring are essential for identifying and averting cyberattacks. They provide real-time insights into network traffic, allowing businesses to identify suspicious activities, malware, and unauthorised access attempts.

Additionally, compliance requirements and regulations related to data protection and privacy drive the adoption of advanced network monitoring solutions, ensuring organisations remain compliant while safeguarding their sensitive data.

  • Increasing Demand for Cloud-Based Monitoring Solutions

The rising demand of cloud-based services and applications is fuelling the demand for cloud-compatible network monitoring solutions. Cloud environments are dynamic and require constant monitoring to ensure seamless performance and security. Cloud-based network monitoring tools offer scalability, flexibility, and accessibility from anywhere, making them highly desirable for businesses of all sizes.

Moreover, the shift towards remote and hybrid work models, accelerated by global events, has further amplified the need for cloud-based monitoring solutions. These tools provide centralised monitoring, allowing IT teams to manage distributed networks effectively, troubleshoot issues remotely, and ensure uninterrupted connectivity for remote employees and customers.

Major Growth Barriers

  • Real-time Network Monitoring Challenges

The increasing complexity of network infrastructures poses a significant challenge in the network monitoring market. With the integration of various technologies like IoT devices, cloud services, and virtualised environments, networks have become intricate ecosystems. Managing and monitoring these diverse components in real-time is a daunting task.

The complexity often leads to difficulties in identifying performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and compatibility issues. As networks continue to evolve, businesses face the challenge of ensuring seamless monitoring across intricate infrastructures, hindering the efficient deployment of network monitoring solutions.

  • Data Privacy and Security Concerns

Data privacy and security concerns act as restraints in the network monitoring market. Monitoring network traffic and collecting data for analysis raise privacy issues, especially in regions with stringent data protection regulations. Organisations must balance the need for monitoring to ensure network security with the privacy rights of individuals and compliance with relevant laws.

Moreover, as cyber threats become more sophisticated, there is a risk of intercepted monitoring data falling into the wrong hands, leading to potential security breaches. Striking a balance between effective network monitoring and ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive data presents a challenge for businesses and can impede the widespread adoption of network monitoring solutions.

Key Trends and Opportunities to Look at

  1. Cloud-Based Network Monitoring Solutions

The adoption of cloud-based network monitoring solutions continues to grow globally. These solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and ease of access, making them popular among enterprises of all sizes. Companies like SolarWinds, and Cisco are enhancing their cloud-based offerings, leveraging AI for predictive analysis, ensuring seamless performance monitoring in diverse regions.

  1. Integration of AI, and ML

AI, and ML technologies are revolutionising network monitoring. Predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and automated issue resolution are key features.

Brands like Dynatrace, and Splunk are investing in AI-driven solutions, providing real-time insights. Integrating AI ensures efficient handling of complex networks, making monitoring more adaptive and responsive to evolving network environments.

  1. Focus on Network Security Monitoring

The rising cybersecurity threats drive the trend of integrating network security monitoring within network monitoring solutions. Companies like IBM, and Palo Alto Networks are developing comprehensive platforms that combine performance monitoring with real-time threat detection. With the global increase in cyberattacks, businesses are prioritising network security, leading to the widespread adoption of integrated security-focused monitoring solutions.

Network Monitoring Market DROs

How Does the Regulatory Scenario Shape this Industry?

The network monitoring market is significantly influenced by regulatory frameworks and guidelines aimed at ensuring data privacy, security, and compliance. Regulatory entities such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe impose stringent regulations on data handling and network security practices. These regulations necessitate robust network monitoring solutions to comply with data protection laws, driving the adoption of advanced monitoring technologies.

Additionally, region-specific regulations, like China's Cybersecurity Law and India's Personal Data Protection Bill, influence market dynamics by emphasizing data localisation and stringent security measures. Adherence to these regulations requires companies to invest in sophisticated network monitoring tools and technologies, spurring innovation and growth in the industry. Compliance with regulatory standards not only ensures legal conformity but also enhances the overall cybersecurity posture of businesses, making network monitoring solutions indispensable in today's regulatory landscape.

Fairfield’s Ranking Board

Top Segments

  1. Demand for Monitoring Solutions Higher, Services Category Accelerates

Solutions emerge as the dominant category in 2022, commanding a substantial market share of approximately 55%. These solutions encompass a diverse range of software applications and tools designed to monitor, analyse, and optimize network performance. With businesses increasingly relying on robust and efficient networks, the demand for comprehensive solutions has surged.

Furthermore, services represent the fastest-growing category, currently accounting for around 30% of the market share. These services offer specialised expertise and support, enabling businesses to outsource their network monitoring needs. Service providers offer tailored solutions, addressing specific challenges faced by organisations, ranging from network security to performance optimisation.

The demand for outsourced services is escalating, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises seeking cost-effective and reliable monitoring solutions. Service providers offer round-the-clock support, proactive issue resolution, and expertise that businesses find invaluable.

  1. Bandwidth of 1-10 GBPS to Surge Ahead

In 2022, the 1-10 GBPS category stands out as the dominant choice, capturing a significant market share of approximately 50%. This dominance is driven by its widespread adoption among various enterprises and organisations. The 1-10 GBPS bandwidth range caters to the needs of many businesses, offering a balance between performance and cost. It provides ample capacity for data transmission and is suitable for a wide array of applications, making it the preferred choice for numerous industries.

The 100 GBPS bandwidth category emerges as the fastest-growing segment, currently accounting for around 25% of the market share. The rapid growth of this category is attributed to the escalating demands of data-intensive applications, cloud computing, and high-speed Internet services. As businesses increasingly rely on bandwidth-intensive technologies, the need for faster and more robust networks has become paramount.

  1. Ethernet Spearheads Global Space with 55% Revenue Share

Ethernet emerges as the dominant category, capturing a substantial market share of approximately 55%. Ethernet technology's dominance can be attributed to its widespread adoption across various industries and applications. Its reliability, cost-effectiveness, and ease of implementation make it a preferred choice for many enterprises and organisations.

Fiber optic technology stands out as the fastest-growing category in the network monitoring market, currently accounting for approximately 30% of the market share. Fibre optic technology is growing rapidly due to the growing need for secure and fast data transfer. Unmatched data transfer speeds are provided via fibre optic lines. Due to their immunity to electromagnetic interference, they are perfect for cloud computing, big data analytics, and video streaming—applications that need huge data transfers.

  1. Enterprises Register 45% of Total Take-up, CSPs Ready for Fastest Expansion

In 2022, enterprises are the dominant category, currently holding a significant market share of approximately 45%. Enterprises across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, manufacturing, and retail, heavily rely on network monitoring solutions to ensure seamless and secure communication, data transfer, and overall network performance.

The need for efficient network management, troubleshooting, and real-time analysis of network traffic has led enterprises to invest significantly in robust network monitoring tools. Moreover, cloud service providers (CSPs) have emerged as the fastest-growing category in the network monitoring market, currently capturing approximately 30% of the market share.

The rapid adoption of cloud-based services, and applications, coupled with the growing trend of digital transformation, has fuelled the demand for network monitoring solutions among cloud service providers. These providers require sophisticated network monitoring tools to ensure the performance, availability, and security of their cloud services.

Regional Frontrunners

Asia Pacific Remains the Undisputed Champion as Businesses Undergo Phenomenal Digital Transformation

Asia Pacific continues to be the largest revenue-contributing region in the global network monitoring market, holding a substantial market share of approximately 45%. This dominance can be attributed to several factors. The region's rapid economic growth, and industrialisation have led to a significant increase in the adoption of advanced technologies, including cloud computing, big data analytics, and IoT devices.

As businesses in Asia Pacific embrace digital transformation, the demand for robust network monitoring solutions has surged. Furthermore, government initiatives to improve digital connectivity, increase Internet penetration, and enhance cybersecurity measures have encouraged organisations to invest in advanced network monitoring tools.

The need for ensuring network security, compliance with regulations, and seamless connectivity has become paramount, boosting the market for network monitoring solutions in the region.

Network Monitoring Market Regional Outlook, 2018 - 2030

Booming Adoption of Advanced Network Monitoring Solutions to Benefit North America

North America is anticipated to witness significant growth in Network Monitoring sales during the forecast period, with a projected market share of approximately 30%. This growth is due to North America being home to several established enterprises, technology companies, and financial institutions that rely heavily on complex digital infrastructures.

As these organisations expand their operations and digital footprints, the need for comprehensive network monitoring tools to ensure seamless operations, detect vulnerabilities, and prevent cyber threats becomes crucial.

Consequently, there is a continuous demand for advanced network monitoring solutions in this region. Additionally, North America is witnessing a rise in cybersecurity concerns due to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks.

Enterprises are investing in advanced network monitoring solutions to detect and mitigate security breaches, ensuring data protection and regulatory compliance. The emphasis on data privacy and compliance with industry standards, such as HIPAA in healthcare and GDPR in Europe, drives the adoption of robust network monitoring tools.

North America Network Monitoring Market, by End-user, 2018 - 2030, US$ Bn

Fairfield’s Competitive Landscape Analysis

The global network monitoring market is a consolidated market with fewer major players present across the globe. The key players are introducing new products as well as working on the distribution channels to enhance their worldwide presence. Moreover, Fairfield Market Research is expecting the market to witness more consolidation over the coming years.

Who are the Leaders in the Global Network Monitoring Space?

Significant Company Developments

New Product Launch

  • January 2023: IBM acquired Netscout Systems, a network monitoring and security solutions provider. This acquisition is expected to strengthen IBM's position in the network monitoring market.
  • February 2023: Dynatrace announced the release of its Synthetic Monitoring solution, which provides organisations with a way to monitor the performance of their applications from the outside-in.
  • March 2023: Datadog announced the release of Datadog Synthetics, which is a new service that allows organisations to monitor the performance of their applications from end to end.

Distribution Agreement

  • May 2021: For the markets in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, a collaboration between J.L. Lennard and Cama Group was established. J.L. Lennard is an exclusive distributor of tools, accessories, and life cycle services.
  • February 2020 Pack grew its market share in Latin America. It has also developed solid client relationships and a potent sales team. Customers' ideal solutions have been its complete packaging systems for the food industry.

An Expert’s Eye

Demand and Future Growth

The network monitoring market is poised for sustained growth due to the ever-increasing reliance on digital infrastructure. With businesses migrating to cloud environments, integrating IoT devices, and expanding mobile networks, the demand for efficient network monitoring solutions is set to rise.

The proliferation of 5G technology and the growing complexity of cyber threats will further fuel the market in the long term. As companies continue to prioritize seamless operations and data security, advanced network monitoring tools will remain indispensable.

Supply Side of the Market

According to our analysis, the industry faces the challenge of keeping up with the evolving complexity of networks. The integration of 5G, edge computing, and multi-cloud environments demands a supply chain that can rapidly innovate and deliver cutting-edge hardware and software solutions. Scalability, interoperability, and cyber resilience will be pivotal factors.

Additionally, the challenge of maintaining a delicate balance between innovation and cost-effectiveness persists. Vendors need to invest in research and development to offer advanced features at competitive prices, ensuring that their solutions remain accessible to a wide array of businesses, from small enterprises to large corporations.

Furthermore, as technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, vendors must also prioritize adaptability in their solutions. This means being able to seamlessly integrate with existing systems and easily accommodate future upgrades or changes in business needs. By doing so, they can provide long-term value and ensure that their customers can stay ahead in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Global Network Monitoring Market is Segmented as Below:

By Type:

  • Equipment
  • Solutions
  • Services

By Bandwidth:

  • 1-10 GBPS
  • 40 GBPS
  • 100 GBPS

By Technology:

  • Ethernet
  • Fiber Optic
  • InfiniBand

By End User:

  • Enterprises
  • Telecommunications Industry
  • Government Organisations
  • Cloud Service Providers

By Geographic Coverage:

  • North America 
    • U.S.
    • Canada 
  • Europe 
    • Germany
    • U.K.
    • France
    • Italy
    • Turkey
    • Russia
    • Rest of Europe 
  • Asia Pacific 
    • China
    • Japan
    • South Korea
    • India
    • Southeast Asia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific 
  • Latin America 
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Argentina
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middle East & Africa  
    • GCC 
    • South Africa
    • Egypt
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of the Middle East & Africa

1. Executive Summary
    1.1. Global Network Monitoring Market Snapshot
    1.2. Future Projections
    1.3. Key Market Trends
    1.4. Regional Snapshot, by Value, 2022
    1.5. Analyst Recommendations

2. Market Overview
    2.1. Market Definitions and Segmentations
    2.2. Market Dynamics
           2.2.1. Drivers
           2.2.2. Restraints
           2.2.3. Market Opportunities
    2.3. Value Chain Analysis
    2.4. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    2.5. Covid-19 Impact Analysis
           2.5.1. Supply
           2.5.2. Demand
    2.6. Impact of Ukraine-Russia Conflict
    2.7. Economic Overview
           2.7.1. World Economic Projections
    2.8. PESTLE Analysis

3. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    3.1. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.1.1. Key Highlights
    3.2. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    3.3. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    3.4. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
    3.5. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Region, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           3.5.1. Key Highlights
        North America
        Asia Pacific
        Latin America
        Middle East & Africa

4. North America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    4.1. North America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.1.1. Key Highlights
    4.2. North America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    4.3. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    4.4. Global Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
           4.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    4.5. North America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.5.1. Key Highlights
        U.S. Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.S. Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.S. Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.S. Network Monitoring Market End Use, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Canada Network Monitoring Market End-User , Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           4.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

5. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    5.1. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.1.1. Key Highlights
    5.2. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    5.3. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    5.4. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
           5.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    5.5. Europe Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.5.1. Key Highlights
        Germany Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Germany Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Germany Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Germany Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        U.K. Network Monitoring Market End-User , Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        France Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Italy Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Turkey Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Turkey Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Turkey Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Turkey Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Russia Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Europe Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Europe Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Europe Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Europe Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           5.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

6. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    6.1. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.1.1. Key Highlights
    6.2. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    6.3. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    6.4. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
           6.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    6.5. Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.5.1. Key Highlights
        China Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        China Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        China Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        China Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Japan Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Korea Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        India Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Southeast Asia Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Asia Pacific Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           6.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

7. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    7.1. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.1.1. Key Highlights
    7.2. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    7.3. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    7.4. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
           7.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    7.5. Latin America Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.5.1. Key Highlights
        Brazil Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Brazil Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Brazil Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Brazil Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mex100 GBPS o Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mex100 GBPS o Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mex100 GBPS o Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Mex100 GBPS o Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Argentina Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Argentina Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Argentina Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Argentina Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Latin America Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           7.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

8. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, 2018 - 2030
    8.1. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.1.1. Key Highlights
    8.2. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.2.1. Key Highlights
        1-10 GBPS
        40 GBPS
        100 GBPS
    8.3. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.3.1. Key Highlights
        Fiber Optic
    8.4. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.4.1. Key Highlights
        Telecommunications Industry
        Government Organizations
        Cloud Service Providers
           8.4.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis
    8.5. Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Outlook, by Country, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.5.1. Key Highlights
        GCC Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        GCC Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        GCC Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        GCC Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Afr100 GBPS a Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Afr100 GBPS a Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Afr100 GBPS a Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        South Afr100 GBPS a Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Egypt Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Egypt Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Egypt Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Egypt Network Monitoring Market End-User , Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Nigeria Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Nigeria Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Nigeria Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Nigeria Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market by Offering, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Bandwidth, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market Technology, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
        Rest of Middle East & Africa Network Monitoring Market End-User, Value (US$ Bn), 2018 - 2030
           8.5.2. BPS Analysis/Market Attractiveness Analysis

9. Competitive Landscape
    9.1. Manufacturer vs Application Heatmap
    9.2. Company Market Share Analysis, 2022
    9.3. Competitive Dashboard
    9.4. Company Profiles
           9.4.1. Gigamon (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.2. Keysight Technologies (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.3. Netscout (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.4. Viavi (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.5. Garland Technology (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.6. Apcon (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.7. Cisco (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.8. Arista Networks (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.9. Broadcom (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.10. Juniper Networks Inc. (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.11. Network Critical (UK)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.12. Zenoss (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.13. Calient (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.14. Netgear (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development
           9.4.15. LogicMonitor (US)
        Company Overview
        Product Portfolio
        Financial Overview
        Business Strategies and Development

10. Appendix
    10.1. Research Methodology
    10.2. Report Assumptions
    10.3. Acronyms and Abbreviations







2018 - 2022

2023 - 2030

Value: US$ Million




Type Coverage

  • Equipment
  • Solutions 
  • Services

Bandwidth Coverage

  • 1-10 GBPS
  • 40 GBPS 
  • 100 GBPS

Technology Coverage

  • Ethernet 
  • Fiber Optic 
  • InfiniBand

End Use Coverage

  • Enterprises 
  • Telecommunications Industry
  • Government Organisations
  • Cloud Service Providers

Geographical Coverage

  • North America
    • U.S.
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of EU
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Rest of APAC
  • Latin America
    • Brazil 
    • Mexico 
    • Rest of Latin America 
  • Middles East & Africa
    • GCC Countries 
    • South Africa 
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

Leading Companies

  • Gigamon 
  • Keysight Technologies 
  • Netscout 
  • Viavi  
  • Garland Technology 
  • Apcon  
  • Cisco 
  • Arista Networks 
  • Broadcom 
  • Juniper Networks, Inc.
  • Network Critical 
  • Zenoss 
  • Client
  • Netgear 
  • LogicMonitor 

Report Highlights

Key Market Indicators, Macro-micro economic impact analysis, Technological Roadmap, Key Trends, Driver, Restraints, and Future Opportunities & Revenue Pockets, Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis, Historical Trend (2019-2021), Market Estimates and Forecast, Market Dynamics, Industry Trends, Competition Landscape, Category, Region, Country-wise Trends & Analysis, COVID-19 Impact Analysis (Demand and Supply Chain)

FAQs : Network Monitoring Market

Rising network complexities drive the demand for advanced monitoring solutions to ensure optimal performance, security, and real-time insights into network activities for businesses.

AI integration enhances network monitoring by providing predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and automation, enabling businesses to proactively address issues and optimize network performance.

Stringent regulatory compliance standards drive the adoption of network monitoring tools, ensuring businesses meet data protection and security requirements, particularly in finance, healthcare, and government sectors.

Cloud-based services prompt providers to offer scalable and flexible monitoring solutions, adapting to dynamic cloud environments, providing seamless visibility, and ensuring consistent performance across distributed networks.

Balancing the need for network security with privacy concerns poses a challenge, requiring businesses to implement transparent policies and ethical practices in network monitoring to build and maintain user trust.

Our Research Methodology

Considering the volatility of business today, traditional approaches to strategizing a game plan can be unfruitful if not detrimental. True ambiguity is no way to determine a forecast. A myriad of predetermined factors must be accounted for such as the degree of risk involved, the magnitude of circumstances, as well as conditions or consequences that are not known or unpredictable. To circumvent binary views that cast uncertainty, the application of market research intelligence to strategically posture, move, and enable actionable outcomes is necessary.

View Methodology
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